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Oregon School Psychologists Association

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Participating in committees can earn CEUs toward your NCSP through NASP self-report option.

To participate, you must be an OSPA member in good standing. 


 Member Engagement Committee

This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA-NC

This committee is currently working on goals around expanding our social media and web presence and further engaging members through local and regional events and professional development opportunities.

Time commitment: ~ 5 hours/year for 2 annual meetings (virtual or in-person) and committee work outside of meetings

The Conference committee begins working on the Fall Conference at the conclusion of the previous conference. The workload increases through the year with the culmination at the Fall Conference the following year. This committee also plans the Spring Professional Development. It is similar to the Fall Conference but on a smaller scale. This works begins the fall and culminates after the Spring offering. Many hands make light work. If you enjoy organizing, logistics, or even just want to help determine speakers and topics offered, come join the committee. 

Time commitment: approximately 2 hours/month on average with more hours at different times of the year.

Conference Committee

Government and Professional  Relations Committee

This committee is currently working on goals to leverage partnerships with state organizations and local agencies to amplify OSPA's reach and support cohesion across similar state and local organizations. This year we are continuing to work on advocating at the state level for more school psychologists and monitoring legislative activity to keep school psychologists informed of changes and potential changes. We are also exploring ways to increase the visibility of, and support for, school psychologists across the state through strategic partnerships. 

Time commitment: ~ 5 hours/year for 2 annual meetings (virtual or in person) and committee work outside of the meetings

The Public Relations committee monitors and communicates  with all research/survey requests from researchers and graduate students. They follow Board policy on dissemination of research to OSPA members. They are also responsible for all publications issued by OSPA. This year, this committee is working on a resource to help our medical provided understand special education in schools and eligibility procedures. Join this committee to make a difference!

Time Commitment: 2 hours/month at most. Monthly meeting to review research submissions and then additional meetings for publications.

Public Relations

Technical Committee

The Technical Committee is responsible for updating important documents. Last year, the Board and membership voted to update the Bylaws. Now, the Operations Manual needs to be updated to align with the new Bylaws. This committee is also responsible for organizing and archiving materials on the Board online drive, following proper records laws and best practices. 

Time Commitment: Approximately 5 hours/year. The Operations manual work will commence in the winter and will meet for approximately 90 minute sessions. It shouldn't take more than a few meetings to complete. 

The Oregon School Psychologists Association (OSPA) is a nonprofit professional association representing school psychologists in the state of Oregon.

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